Poetry and your photography

Why did you choose these words to go with this image ?
My reasoning for picking this picture is because I felt like it really fit in so well , In the picture it’s my best friend and I and I felt like that poem expresses the way I feel towards the picture .

How do you think the audience would Interpret your work ?

Well I feel like a good way because I think we can all agree that we have that one friend that shows you what a real friendship is . And this poem really stands out in a way to tell a friend so they never forget .

Cultural identity photographs

the next picture is food . Like wow we have so much tasting delicious food that I love but In this picture I mostly share how our breakfast are ! With a side of coffee but in my plate are beans , machaca y queso ! with a tortilla

the next is the rosca .. In the bread are Baby’s and we each cut a piece and if you get the baby you will have to host something and each person that keep on getting a baby has to make a dish .